Struggling To Create

Sales For Your Offer?

No More Suffering. Have REAL CLIENTS
come to you. CONSISTENTLY.

Attract REAL CLIENTS Towards Your Business!

We are a one-of-a-kind Digital Marketing Agency – the kind that gets REAL RESULTS for your business! We believe having a great diagnosis of your business will help us perfect your buyer’s journey, so you can attract REAL CLIENTS! That’s why we are offering you a FREE customized DIGITAL PERFORMANCE REPORT for you to start your Journey with us. With this report, we will help you locate gaps and areas of improvement in your digital buyer’s journey, so you can identify the missing pieces between you and a booming, skyrocketed business.



The information you provide in this form will help us understand your business better, so we can point out your opportunities for improvement. Let Helios analyze your business with our experts. We’ll look at every aspect of your business, and create a report detailing everything you need to succeed in the digital world.
We take privacy very seriously, that’s why this information only will be used to shed light on your business and your business alone.
What is the price range of your main offer?
$0 $5,000

What is your current ad budget?
(Select a range)
$0 +$50,000

If you don’t fill this out truthfully and to completion, we can not provide you a report.
Not sure if we can help you? Let’s have a LIVE chat now!

Attract REAL BUYERS Towards Your Business!

We are a one-of-a-kind Digital Marketing Agency – the kind that gets REAL RESULTS for your business! We believe having a great diagnosis of your business will help us perfect your buyer’s journey, so you can attract REAL CLIENTS! That’s why we are offering you a FREE customized DIGITAL PEFORMANCE REPORT for you to start your Journey with us. With this report, we will help you locate gaps and areas of improvement in your digital buyer’s journey, so you can identify the missing pieces between you and a booming, skyrocketed business.



The information you provide in this form will help us understand your business better, so we can point out your opportunities for improvement. Let Helios analyze your business with our experts. We’ll look at every aspect of your business, and create a report detailing everything you need to succeed in the digital world.
We take privacy very seriously, that’s why this information only will be used to shed light on your business and your business alone

Let’s Get One Thing Clear:

The consumer is only interested in solving their own problems. If you have an optimized sales process (which we help you create, btw), you can dictate how YOU can solve THEIR problems and earn their trust. That’s why consumers LOVE processes, even if they don’t know it.

How You think it is

Adding a landing page to your website, and running ads, thinking that you’ll convert most of your incoming leads

How It Should Be

Aligning your brand with your True Target Audience, and making your marketing messages hit their pain points. At Helios, we help you craft a prefectly optimized buyer’s journey that does just that.

72% of consumers ONLY ENGAGE with PERSONALIZED marketing messages.

That is both the beauty, and the curse, of marketing. How, you ask?

Because when done RIGHT, your prospects feel like your ad is talking to them, creating more sales. What this also means is that you need to be
running ads that directly speak to your ideal client.

On the other hand, when done WRONG, you’ll miss getting your prospects’
attention, and be damned in the red.

When a new prospect feels like your ad is talking to them, only then will you gauge their attention, which is step 1 of the buyer’s journey.

89% of visitors shift to a competitors website due to bad user experience

You’ve got the attention, but guess what – it doesn’t end there.

The last thing you want is a user going away just because your website doesn’t give them what they need: an optimal experience. That’s why, at Helios, we always say, a good landing page goes a long way.

A well-designed landing page answers your users’ questions before they even ask, setting you miles ahead of your competition. That’s how we help
businesses like YOU Convert, and land REAL CLIENTS.

Attractive lead magnets INCREASE your conversion rate by 84%

Getting a prospect to give you their email in exchange for a lead magnet is the ultimate win-win. That’s why we stress the importance of having a strong lead magnet at the core.

From a user’s perspective, you get an opportunity to dive deeper into the company’s offering, and decide whether they’re worth your time and money.

From a company’s perspective, the lead magnet poses itself as a way for you to answer your user’s question, build trust, and become ‘familiar’’ with them before they even speak to someone from your company.

Missed sales targets, unqualified leads,
and a clunky generation funnel. Sound familiar?

Don’t worry – We create an OPTIMIZED sales process that targets your REAL, PROFITABLE clients, boosts

Case Studies

Finance Sector

Our finance business client had a range of offers, but their client generation efforts were yielding little results. The real problem? Their offers weren’t enticing enough to catch attention.

Our Strategy
After pointing out the real problems, we revamped their offers, and created a comprehensive marketing plan to increase client generation from Google ads, landing page optimization, and creating value first to gain attention from their true target audience.

After implementing the new strategy, our client noticed:


increase in


more clicks on
their website


increase in
conversion rate


increase in

Want to see the same results for your business?
Get in touch with our experts today, and get real results that boost your business!
Online Courses Institute

An Online Courses Institute contacted us to create effective, high-level marketing strategy to leverage their $90k ad spend. The challenge was to generate a high-amount of course purchase sales without having to leak the ad spend in futile testing.

Our Strategy
Helios made a comprehensive true target buyer profile to identify who drives the sales in our clients industry. Once we had their profile, we revamped their offer, their buyers’ journey, and create an ad marketing strategy that was strapped for success, right from the start.

Our client made so much sales in the two months of working with us that we had to increase the ad budget to continue the increased profits from the ads. (50% more in 60 days!)

Replicate this case study for your business.
Get in touch with Helios today, and grow now!
Educational Service

Our Educational Sector client was on the ropes when it came to generating a steady flow of enrollments for the University, with a majority of their programs not being remotely visible to their true target audience.

Our Strategy
The first thing Helios did was to turn their enrollments offer into an incentive that student’s couldn’t resist joining. Once the offers were revamped, we thoroughly analyzed their target audience, revitalized their landing page and buyer’s journey, and created a sales machine that converts their target audience to buyers.


1.5 million

prospects reached



clicks gained


more students enrolled

If you’re in a similar struggle in your business, work with
Helios to attract more prospects, and make more sales without breaking a sweat.
Automotive Sector

Our Automotive client wanted high-end customers that actually created an impact in their brand visibility, and amount to profitable sales.

Our Strategy
After studying their true target audience, we incentivized their offer to get more contact information from prospects, and transfer them to the sales department to turn prospects into sales.

After implementing the new strategy, our client noticed:


in sales

More than





contacts generated

Want similar results? Click here to schedule a call with experts from Helios, and get your sales running with our expert ad strategies
Finance Sector

Our financial consultant client was struggling to attract people that were willing to pay to learn about financial strategies, which were their true target audience.

Our Strategy
After investigating audience demographics and behaviour, we found that the most viable method to attract their target audience was through a webinar. We took care of all the details, and promoted their webinar through Facebook to attract more profitable leads.

Our marketing efforts brought:


ROAS (Return on
Marketing Spend)








per lead)

Want to turn your business into our next case study?
Schedule a call with Helios now!
Real Estate

Our Real Estate client wanted an increase in the number of leads (and the sales) which were very nominal (less than 1%) before us.

Our Strategy
We created a multi-step sales process that included:
Attracting the RIGHT customers on social media through ads
Redirected the interested prospects to the website to increase lead quality
Retargering those sames leads to increase ad ROI
High quality prospects sent to the sales team for closing

Our ad strategies reached a wide audience, and closed a lot of sales for our real estate client. Some metrics include:











Get more sales for your business with Helios.
Schedule a call with our marketing experts today!
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What Our Clients Say

SHOULD you ask the experts?

ABSOLUTELY. The internet might have made it easy to learn anything, but as experts in the field, we’ve spent years perfecting our craft, running

Now, with all of our experience, you get the perfect client generation and digital marketing strategy at a fraction of the price. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it is good, and it is true.

Get in touch with experts from Helios today, and dominate your lead generation strategy.

Regardless of the changes that come with technology, we know that at the core consumer behavior has been the same since the beginning of time. Even if the path looks different through change, consumers will always follow the worn pathways of the Buyer’s Journey.

Service Providers
0 +
Client revenue
0 M+
Customers reached
via advertising
0 M+